Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm sorry I have not been updating lately. I recently started a new job and I'm a full time student so I have been up to my brain in work. Also I have recently become rather annoyed with the narrow view of the Apartment Therapy Spring Cure format. I just feel like it is not directed at people my age or economic class. It is aimed purely at successful, Manhattan dwelling, moneyed, yuppies who already have nice apartments and nice things and just want to make them nicer. I am 21, I live in a tiny apartment in Boston with no sunlight, my budget is roughly 200 dollars tops and that is after my tax return gets here. According to the apartment therapy book, that will get me no where. SO I guess I am going to keep chugging on but probably using their site more for vague inspiration than a strict guideline. I want to do this in an affordable way and make my house a nice place to be even if I don't have a view of the Hudson (or Charles) river.